Budget and Evaluation

Tools for Doing Budget Calculations

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FY25 Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget
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FY25 Recommended Budget
Recommended Budget
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Previous Budgets
Previous years budgets

The Budget and Evaluation department is responsible for the development and direction of the County’s annual operating budget and prepares the five-year capital improvement plan.

The department also:

  • Supports the Board of Commissioners and County Manager with financial information and guidance
  • Assists departments with financial conditions and analysis

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Communications Video Clips
Budget breakdown, courthouse, past retreats, etc.
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Popular AnnualFinancial Reports
View current and previous Annual Popular Financial Reports
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BOC Programs
Explore the initiatives of the Cabarrus County Commissioners

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Strategic Planning
Explore the County's mission, vision and goals
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Community Feedback
Share your budget priorities
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Breakdown of Your Portion of Property Taxes
View how your taxes are used by function or department

⭐ Program Highlights

FY24 Budget Highlights (July 2023 to June 2024)

  • Reclassed Fellowship to Management Analyst position
  • Received GFOA Award for FY24 Budget Book
  • Concentrated effort to routinely review/monitor all budgets (lapse salary, fuel, overtime)
  • Led a budget Community Engagement Initiative
  • Created and presented two Government 101 sessions on the budgeting process
  • Supporting the Engagement HQ hub FY25 Budget project
  • Re-engineering the MUNIS – Koa Hills business process
  • Developing an interactive taxpayer receipt

📅 Significant Dates

May 20, 2024: County Manager presents Recommended FY25 Budget to the Board of Commissioners
June 3, 2024: Public Hearing on the Recommended FY25 Budget
June 17, 2024: Adoption of the FY25 Budget by the Board of Commissioners
July 1, 2024: Fiscal Year 2025 begins (runs until June 30, 2025)
September 2024: FY26 budget cycle begins