Active Living and Parks Parks, Active Living Centers, Camps, Athletics, Classes, Programs, Field Trips
Budget and Evaluation Develops and directs the County's annual operating budget and prepares the five-year capital improvement plan.
Child Welfare Child Protective Intake, Foster Care, Adoption, In-Home, Intensive Family Preservation Services
Communications and Outreach News releases, publications, newsletters, public records, social media, projects, CabCoTV, events, exhibits, speakers bureau
Community Development Home Accessibility, Energy Efficiency, HVAC Repair/Replacement, Plumbing Repair, Safety Improvements
Cooperative Extension Department List Helping individuals, families and communities put research-based knowledge to work for economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and an improved quality of life
Detention Services Visitation. Inmate Mail and Property. Canteen and Phone Accounts. Restorative Programs.
Economic Services Help with food and nutrition, Medicaid, special assistance and Medicaid transportation.
Fire Services Apply for permits and request fire services. Information on ISO ratings, alarm registrations, open burning, inspections and fire service staff.
Sheriff's Office Department List Protecting the lives, property and rights of all people. Maintaining order and enforcing the law impartially.