The Carolina Thread Trail winds its way through Cabarrus County. It is part of a regional trail and greenway network that links 15 counties. The trail creates a permanent legacy of conservation for over two million people. It does this by linking communities and attractions across North and South Carolina. The trail also serve as a great place for walking, biking, commuting and enjoying life.
The Carolina Thread Trail:
- preserves our natural areas
- encourages healthy lifestyles
- promotes tourism
The trail also provides a place for exploring nature, culture, science and history.
The Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan(PDF, 30MB) details a network consisting of 7,300 square miles. This network links more than 40 destinations in the counties of:
- Anson
- Cabarrus
- Catawba
- Cherokee
- Chester
- Cleveland
- Gaston
- Iredell
- Lancaster, Lincoln
- Mecklenburg
- Rowan
- Stanly
- Union
- York
The trail initially depended on privately funded grants. These grants encouraged local planning and participation. These activities resulted in the creation and connection of greenways and blueways. Now the trail is free and accessible for all to enjoy.