Cabarrus County Transportation Services (CCTS) provides transportation for eligible Cabarrus County citizens.
CCTS provides about 700,000 miles of service each year over more than 100,000 trips and utilizes a fleet of more than 20 vehicles.
Our mission is to provide transportation services that enable all eligible individuals to access necessary medical care and other resources that can improve and enhance their quality of life.
By providing transportation for essential services, we promote an independent lifestyle that allows individuals to remain in their homes as long as possible.
Clients can receive information in a non-audio format by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 or Use 711 for TTY/Voice Communication.
Ride Info
- If a passenger has a child riding, the parent must provide a child safety seat. NC law requires that any child under 80 pounds or under 8 years old be restrained in a car seat.
- All CCTS riders must wear a seatbelt.
- CCTS does not provide wheelchairs or child restraint seats.
- Wheelchair client’s homes without ground level access must have accessible ramps installed.
- CCTS is not responsible for any items left on the vehicles by riders. Make sure you take all your items with you when you leave the vehicle.
For more information, or to request a CCTS brochure(PDF, 792KB), call 704-920-2246.
Inclement Weather Policy
During inclement weather, dialysis and other life-sustaining appointments get priority over other trips.
Holiday Schedule Policy
CCTS will follow the Cabarrus County schedule for holidays. Only dialysis, life sustaining or other critical appointments will be scheduled.
Be prepared with the following information before calling to schedule a reservation:
- your name (or the name of the person you are scheduling for)
- pick up address
- phone number
- date of appointment
- destination name, address, and phone number
- appointment time