Community Engagement / Crime Prevention
Community Engagement is essential to the operations of the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office. We partner with our citizens in an effort to have a positive impact on our community and welcome public interaction. We sponsor and provide services such as: Medicine Drop Box, Neighborhood Watch, Annual National Night Out, Church security and Safety audits and many other community engagement events.
Crime prevention is a priority at the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office to help prevent criminal activity before it happens. An obvious method of crime prevention is visibly patrolling neighborhoods, communities and businesses as a deterrent. Citizens can also be a part prevention in many ways, including organization of Neighborhood Watch programs and taking part in our education initiatives.
The Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office is always willing to educate citizens in crime prevention techniques.
Community officers assigned to your neighborhood can share literature and information with citizens on the different crime prevention tips to help make our community safer.
For more information please contact