Adult and Family Services

Seniors Enjoying a Class at the LunchPlus Club

Adult and Aging Services is the gateway to resources and support for Cabarrus County residents who are disabled and/or over the age of 60.

Think of us as navigators who help you ask the right questions and choose the right path. Our professional, highly trained staff assist disabled adults, seniors, family members and caregivers in getting the support they need.

Social workers are available to:

  • Receive reports of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of disabled adults
  • Receive complaints regarding adult care homes
  • Take referrals for services such as:
    • Adult day care/health
    • Placement
    • Case management
    • Guardianship
    • In-home aide
    • Transportation
    • Independent living for the blind and visually handicapped
    • Special assistance in-home program
  • Provide information about congregate nutrition (LunchPlus Clubs) and family caregiver support programs
  • Provide information and guide Medicare recipients on choosing and evaluating Medicare related items
  • Referrals to outside community resources when appropriate

The Adult and Aging Services division also provides services to families with children. Designed to promote self-sufficiency, these services include employment and case management services that transition parents from welfare to work.

Do you need information and/or assistance connecting to resources? Call the Aging Services line at 704-920-1400 with questions.