Business Personal Property

  1. Online Listing – only available thru listing period
  2. Extensions – only available thru January 31
  3. Forms - printable
  4. Business Change: new or closing of account and address changes
  5. Appeals
  6. Exemptions and Exclusions

The completion of a business listing form is required of all individuals, partnerships, corporations, and associations who, as of January 1, own, control or possess tangible personal property or leasehold improvements used for a business purpose.

  1. Listing period: January 1 through January 31.
  2. Listings filed by mail are deemed filed as of the date shown on the postmark affixed by the U.S. Postal Service.
  3.  All other listings are deemed filed when received by the Cabarrus County Tax Department. This includes:
         a. Illegible or missing UPS postmarks and
         b. Metered mail
  4. Penalties are applied for all late filings, per NC statute. 


Follow all form instructions, including:

  • All sections should be filled out and questions answered.
  • Property should be listed at the full original installed cost.
  • Expensed items that have a life span of more than one year should be listed.
  • Supplies: one twelfth of annual supply costs should be listed.
  • A signature must be affixed to the form by a principal officer of the business or a fulltime employee of the business who has been authorized to sign the listing.
  • Listing forms that are unsigned or not signed by the proper authority will be rejected and as a result subject to penalty.
  • New forms are mailed at the beginning of the year for existing accounts as listing forms are required to be submitted annually.
    • If you received a bill for personal property in the previous year, a form will normally be mailed to the same address unless an address change has been requested.
    • If you do not receive a form and have property that requires listing, blank forms for printing and filing by mail are available through the links at the top of the page.

Listing extensions for Business Personal Property may be requested online though the Extensions link at the top of the page or in writing before the close of the regular listing period, January 31. All extension requests received after January 31 will be denied. The written request must show good cause for the extension, and if the extension is granted, the listing form must be received or postmarked on or before April 15.

Closed Business

A business who sells or transfers their equipment, fixtures, or goes out of business must:

  • Notify the Department of Tax Administration at least 48 hours prior to the date of the pending sale, transfer, or termination of business by completing a Closed Business form found by using the Business Change link at the top of the page.
  • Within 30 days of the sale, transfer, or termination of business, pay all taxes due or to become due September 1 of the current calendar year, for the transferred property.

New Business        

A business that opens or purchases another business must list taxable business property in the name of the new owner as of January 1.  To establish a new business account, complete the New Business form found by using the Business Change link at the top of the page.

Address Change

If your mailing address or physical location changes, complete the Address Change form found by using the link at the top of the page.