Commissioners Notebook: March 2025

Published on March 14, 2025


Cabarrus County Commissioners will hold their monthly Regular Meeting Monday, March 17 at the Cabarrus County Government Center in downtown Concord.  

There, commissioners will vote on a variety of items discussed at the March 10 Work Session.  

During the Work Session, the board voted unanimously to appoint Sean Newton as the new Cabarrus County Manager. Newton will begin his role on March 24. He has 14 years of private sector experience, working in leadership roles at Lowe’s and Wells Fargo. Most recently, he served as senior director of Enterprise Analytics at Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA).  

Also during the meeting, the board: 

  • Heard a presentation from Cabarrus County Schools’ (CCS) Chief Financial Officer Philip Penn on the need for additional funding to replace the roof at Central Cabarrus High School. CCS is requesting $398,191 from the Public-School Building and Renovation Fund (lottery proceeds). The funding request comes after the school board determined the estimated cost of the project exceeded available funding. Cabarrus County currently has $1,347,942 available from State lottery funds. 
  • Heard from Transportation Manager Charles Ratliff on plans to apply for a grant that covers trip costs to help improve mobility for older adults and people with disabilities. “We take folks to dialysis, cancer treatments, Cabarrus Vocational Opportunities and programs at RCCC,” Ratliff told the board. The request of $260,000 would cover more than 14,000 trips. A 50% County match is required. According to Ratliff, the grant would result in over $81,000 in overtime savings. 
  • Heard from Department of Social Services Adult and Aging Services Program Administrator Tammy Bare on a Senior Health and Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) grant award. SHIIP provides education, information and outreach to the public on specific Medicare Health Insurance and fraud prevention issues. The program was awarded $5,600 to support various Shred-it Events for Seniors in Cabarrus. No County match is required.  

Commissioners are expected to vote on these items and more at the Regular Meeting. They are also scheduled to hear additional presentations, announce proclamations and honor the retirements of four Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Deputies.

To read the full agenda, visit, click the March 10 Work Session tab and select Agenda under ‘Related Information.’ 

Watch the full March Work Session at

Residents can watch commissioner meetings on the Cabarrus County livestream at, on YouTube (@CabarrusCounty) and on CabCo TV (Spectrum Cable Channel 22).  

Stay updated on these and all County programs and projects by visiting and following Cabarrus County at and on Twitter and Instagram @CabarrusCounty.  

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