On the agenda, February 20

Published on February 17, 2023

Commissioners Gavel Angled to the Right

Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting on Monday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m.

The Board of Commissioners’ meetings broadcast live on Spectrum Cable channel 22, https://www.youtube.com/cabarruscounty and https://www.cabarruscounty.us/cabcotv. You can also follow live tweets.

View the full agenda.

Recognitions and Presentations

  1. Human Resources - Recognition of Captain Aaron Rankin on His Retirement from Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office
  2. Human Resources - Recognition of Lieutenant Ray Gilleland on His Retirement from Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office
  3. Human Resources - Recognition of Senior Deputy Lewis Burgess on His Retirement from Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office

Consent Agenda

  1. Appointments - Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee
  2. Appointments and Removals - Human Services Advisory Board
  3. Appointments and Removals - Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
  4. Appointments and Removals - Mental Health Advisory Board
  5. Budget - Budget Amendment to Appropriate Board Contingency Funds for Legal Fees
  6. County Manager - Jail Behavioral Health Services
  7. County Manager -U-5956- Rock Hill Church Rd/Union Cemetery Road Realignment Easement Settlement
  8. CVB - Mondo Track at Jay M. Robinson High School
  9. DHS - Budget Amendment for ERA Program
  10. Finance- Budget Amendment and Capital Project Ordinance
  11. Finance - Reimbursement Resolution
  12. Infrastructure and Asset Management - Stonewall Jackson Training School (SJTS) Parcels Timber Harvesting Plan Approval
  13. ITS - Memorandum of Agreement for the Courtroom Upgrades for Remote Proceedings
  14. Legal - Ad Hoc Amendment to Central Area Land Use Plan Interlocal Agreement for 2101 NC 73 HWY, Further Identified as PIN 5641-00-5282
  15. Legal - Ad Hoc Amendment to Central Area Land Use Plan Interlocal Agreement for 380 Patience Drive, Further Identified as PIN 5641-00-1839
  16. Planning and Development - Community Development Budget Amendment
  17. Planning and Development - HOME ARP Contract
  18. Sheriff's Office - Acceptance of Grant Funds to Support Additional Officers
  19. Sheriff's Office - Award of Service Weapon to Captain Aaron Rankin Upon His Retirement
  20. Sheriff's Office - Award of Service Weapon to Deputy Lewis Burgess upon His Retirement
  21. Sheriff's Office - Award of Service Weapon to Lieutenant Ray Gilleland Upon His Retirement
  22. Sheriff's Office - Law Enforcement Services Agreement with Town of Harrisburg
  23. Tax Administration - Advertisement of 2022 Delinquent Taxes
  24. Tax Administration - Refund and Release Reports - January 2023

New Business

  1. Planning and Development - 2023-2024 Community Development Programs - Public Hearing 6:30 p.m.


  1. BOC - Receive Updates from Commission Members who Serve as Liaisons to Municipalities or on Various Boards/Committees
  2. BOC - Request for Applications for County Boards/Committees
  3. Budget - Monthly Budget Amendment Report
  4. Budget - Monthly Financial Update
  5. County Manager - Monthly Building Activity Reports
  6. County Manager - Monthly New Development Report
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