On the agenda, July 10

Published on July 05, 2023

Commissioners Gavel Angled to the Right

Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners will hold a work session on Monday, July 10 at 4 p.m.

The Board of Commissioners’ meetings broadcast live on Spectrum Cable channel 22, https://www.youtube.com/cabarruscounty and https://www.cabarruscounty.us/cabcotv. You can also follow live tweets.

View the full agenda.

Here are a few topics on the agenda:

Discussion, no action

  1. County Manager - Provider Presentations for Arena & Events Center
  2. Department of Human Services (DHS) - Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal
  3. Infrastructure and Asset Management -Camp T.N. Spencer Park Masterplan Discussion
  4. Planning & Development - Plot Plan/Survey and School Planning Capacity Report Discussion

Discussion, for action

  1. BOC - Appointments to Boards and Committees
  2. County Manager - Easement for Duke Energy on Kannapolis Middle School Property
  3. Department of Human Services - Approval of Medicaid Expansion Positions
  4. Department of Human Services - Energy Programs Outreach Plan
  5. Finance - Occupancy Tax Late Penalty Waiver Requests
  6. Infrastructure and Asset Management -Vietnam Veterans Park Land Lease Amendment
  7. Legal - Ad Hoc Amendment to Central Area Land Use Plan Interlocal Agreement for 4040 Mills Circle, Further Identified as PIN 5651-14-2940
  8. Legal - Ad Hoc Amendment to Central Area Land Use Plan Interlocal Agreement for 3868 Highway 200, Further Identified as PIN 5547-87-8632
  9. Legal - Central Area Land Use Plan Interlocal Agreement Update
  10. Sheriff's Office - Acceptance of Governor's Highway Safety Program (GHSP) Grant Award
  11. Sheriff's Office - Awarding of Service Weapon to Deputy Michael Elliott Upon his Retirement
  12. Solid Waste - Landfill - Replacement of Landfill Compactor
  13. Tax Administration - Tax Collector's Annual Settlement and Order Authorizing Collection of FY 2023-2024 Taxes
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