On the agenda, October 17
Published on October 17, 2022
Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting on Monday, October 17, at 6:30 p.m.
The Board of Commissioners’ meetings broadcast live on Spectrum Cable channel 22, https://www.youtube.com/cabarruscounty and https://www.cabarruscounty.us/cabcotv. You can also follow live tweets.
View the full agenda
Here are a few topics on the agenda:
Recognitions and Presentations
1. BOC - Red Ribbon Week 2022 Proclamation
2. BOC - Rotary Day Proclamation
3. DHS - Proclamation for Adoption Awareness Month
4. Planning and Development - Weatherization Day 2022
5. Veterans Services - Operation Green Light Proclamation
6. Veterans Services - Veterans Day Proclamation
Consent Agenda
1. Active Living and Parks - Cabarrus Thread Trail Participation
2. Appointments and Removals - Cabarrus County Youth Commission
3. Appointments and Removals - Early Childhood Task Force Advisory Board
4. Appointments - Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
5. Appointments (Removals) - Planning and Zoning Commission
6. BOC - Resolution Amending the Board of Commissioners' 2022 Meeting Schedule
7. Cabarrus County Schools - R. Brown McAllister
8. County Manager - American Rescue Plan Funding
9. County Manager - Transfer of Property to the City of Concord for WW Flowe Park
10. DHS - Appropriation of Funding Request for Families First, Inc.
11. DHS - Appropriation of LINKS Funding
12. DHS - Transportation FY23 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP)
13. DHS - Transportation Title VI Policy
14. Finance - Budget Amendment - Capital Projects
15. Finance - Budget Amendment for Purchase of Generator at Government Center
16. Human Resources - EMS Staffing/Compensation Update
17. Infrastructure and Asset Management - Milestone Building Improvement Projects Funding
18. Infrastructure and Asset Management - NC DOT Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Request for Easements at 2700 St. Stephens Church Road
19. Kannapolis City Schools - PayGo Capital Budget
20. Planning and Development - Proposed Realignment for Planning and Zoning Commission Areas
21. Sheriff's Office - Acceptance of Direct Justice Assistance Grant
22. Tax Administration - Refund and Release Reports - September 2022
23.Tax Administration - Use of In Rem Foreclosure in the Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes
New Business
1. County Manager - Library Early Closings and Staff Training Days